The Blue Boat
FictionThe valley sits at the corner of two mountain ranges, the golden grass tinkling as it bends with the summer wind. I can see all the way to forever and it is quiet. Fat and juicy grasshoppers bounce off my…
Read MorePeep Show Rehab Post #3
Agility, Canine RehabDay 35, out of 90, slowly dragging by. Everyday, when I sit on the floor and do Peep’s range of motion stretches, I wonder if we will return to agility. Not because of the recovery, I am sure it will…
Read MorePeep Show Rehab Post #2
Agility, Canine RehabDay 25 out of 90 in shoulder hobbles. At least I can take them off and put them on easily during our therapy sessions at 4Paws Rehabilition & Wellness Clinic; practice makes perfect! Keeping Peep entertained during his crate/x-pen rest…
Read MoreDog Training is Life Skillz
AgilityMy dogs love me, they do agility because I ask them to, but they would be just as happy going for a walk or chasing Frisbees. It has always been hard for me to keep a neutral perspective with dog…
Read MorePeep’s Shoulder and Psoas Rehab Post 1
Agility, Canine RehabPeep is on day 14 out of 90 in hobbles on crate rest. To catch everyone up here is the story leading up to his diagnoses and treatment; I am super happy we are moving forward again! One week before…
Read MoreGoals vs Life
Agility, Mental ManagementI am mightily trying to revamp my agility goals. The biggest question that pops into my mind is how agility fits into my life mission. Agility is important to me, but it can’t be as important as the bigger things…
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