Novice Handlers

Help & Info for the Novice and Beginner Dog Agility Handler

Are you new to the sport of Dog Agility? Have you asked yourself which venue would be best for you and your dog? Check out this Venn Diagram that compares AKC, NADAC, and USDAA (as well as DOCNA, ASCA, and UKI).

Here is a short video on how to fill out an USDAA Intro Trial entry form:

Here is a podcast from Bad Dog Agility on Preparing For Your Novice Debut. Also a great article on 5 Tips for Trialing Your Novice Agility Dog.

Clean Run Magazine has a great article on Novice Handlers.

There are Facebook Groups set up just for Novice Handlers! USDAA Rookie Q&A and AKC Rookie Q&A. These are both closed groups but you will be quickly added when you request to join!

The #1 Best Tip and Advice for Novice and Beginner Agilty Handlers is go out there and try!!
