Journey Agility offers puppy training classes at our indoor, climate controlled, training facility centrally located at Speedway and Swan in Tucson, Arizona. Puppy classes are held inside our facility which is ~ 4,500 sq ft and has Comfort King Agility matting.
Training your puppy helps them gain manners and life skills. We have classes for people who want to do sports with they dogs as well. Journey Agility offers AKC Puppy STAR classes, where you can earn your STAR Puppy title!
Our puppy classes teach focus, sit, down, stay, recalls, walking on a loose lead, attention and other important puppy skills.
Journey Agility Dog Training & Behavior uses current, science based training techniques. We are a positive reinforcement facility and use treats to communicate with our dogs.
Clients love our classes and keep coming back for more! Journey Agility Dog Training & Behavior is a community of people who love their dogs! You can learn, play, and facilitate understanding with our methods.

Puppy Manners & Life Skills Classes are taught by Daniel Young on the weekends. Sign up now to help your puppy learn how to be a great puppy! Sign Up Now!

Puppy Superstar Skills Classes are taught by Marie Gagnon during different days of the week. Sign up now to get started in dog sports with your puppy! Sign Up Now!

We offer AKC STAR puppy classes so your puppy can earn their AKC STAR puppy Title! This is a great way to get started on the right path with your new puppy! Sign Up Now!